Need delivery services? Try Pickupp!
- Get 50% off first 3 deliveries, capped at $6 per order
- Promo code: PICKUPPTC
- T&Cs: Valid till 30 June 2023. Applicable for first-time Pickupp users only
- Find out more:
Want to earn extra income? Join Pickupp!
- Deliver & earn up to $5000/month
- Attractive weekly incentives
- Walkers, riders or drivers are welcome
- Find out more:
How to engage Pickupp delivery services for my delivery needs?
Sign up for an account here and you may start creating your first delivery order. Do use the
promo code above for exclusive deals!
How to sign up as a Pickupp Delivery Agent?
Simply head to Pickupp’s website here and fill in the form to sign up! The Pickupp team will
activate your delivery agent account within 3 working days.
Do I have to pay any fees to be a Delivery Agent with Pickupp?
No, there is no cost to join Pickupp. Pickupp will only collect a small commission fee after you
have completed your delivery orders. You can head to their FAQ page here for more